Fun Crafts in May

In the month of May, we are beaming with pride to have given away brand new bicycles and safety helmets to students so they can enjoy the outdoors (once again) and immerse themselves in nature! Inspired by our appetites for fun in theme parks for summer, we introduced the concept of engineering and got busy and sticky with popsicle sticks and created a Ferris wheel. It was a big challenge for most of us but we overcame! We also explored our five senses as scientists and delved into a blind-feel-test in which friends guessed what toys and home articles they are feeling, smelling, hearing, and even tasting! For Mother's Day, we crafted a paper fortune teller but instead of fortunes, it contained chores the we can do for mom! We also created bracelets using different colored and shaped beads. Some of us sold it to our friends as start-up entrepreneurs while others gave it to mom! In our curiosity of push and pull forces, we devised a mini bowling game made of miniature toys and balls. Speaking of forces, we explored the plausible roots of the Star Wars language and wrote our names using hieroglyphics. We will still have to undergo the process of creating our own alphabet using different shapes and symbols! Inspired further by ancient Egypt, we formed artifacts made out of air-drying clay! Nearing the end of the month, we created a maze using pipe cleaners and straws on a styrofoam plate. Since one of our participants was passionate about their newfound knowledge of a butterfly’s life cycle, we assembled butterflies made of coffee filters. As we can all feel that summer is here in California, we thought it’d be apropos to discuss the weather with our participants and create a model of the rain cycle using water in a ziplock bag and taping it onto a clear window where the sun can shine on it. We also tested what materials work best to fabricate an umbrella for the harsh sun and rain!

Craft Maze!
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